David J. Perrotto
Mar 4, 20192 min read
A few quick thoughts on what to do with your money when you change companies.
It's easy to get so caught up in the excitement of having a new job that you don't stop to think about what this will mean for your

David J. Perrotto
Jan 14, 20193 min read
Reasons why you should fire your advisor, and start looking for a new one
To put it bluntly, many consumers trust their advisors with one of the most precious things in their lives’, their retirement. The differenc

David J. Perrotto
Jan 7, 20199 min read
Repairing Your Credit Score
Credit score is by far the most important “score” in your life. It is how banks, credit cards, and even car insurance companies rate you

David J. Perrotto
Dec 10, 20183 min read
Is your Financial Advisor truly tax friendly?
For most of us, tax season ends mid-April. The stress and preparation of going through a complete review of your finances for the year can b

David J. Perrotto
Nov 13, 20184 min read
7 steps you can use to bounce back from divorce.
Between forty to fifty percent of all marriages end in divorce. Maybe you have gone through it, or chances are, you know someone who has, yo