Advanced Wealth Management
Our approach is unusual in the life insurance industry. We make clients aware of all the best life insurance options for new or existing insurance by bringing multiple quotes from different companies, we then give client's the option to choose who they would like to use, and give the benefits and downfalls of each. For new insurance policies, we provide independent evaluations of proposals and projections and recommend the companies and products likely to offer the best value. We also review the performance of existing insurance policies as most of them are not performing nearly as well as the projections made when the policies were sold. Many “permanent” insurance policies are on course to under perform, without corrective action, before the deaths of the insured.
We also help small business owners obtain business overhead insurance, as well as disability insurance. We also help along with the client's attorneys to come up with creative ways to reward and retain talent, such as split level dollar compensation plans.
We can also get business valuations done for clients if partner's would like a cross buy-sell agreement or to bring in other partners.
Protecting your estate, business, or family, Perrotto Private will be there, every step of the way, giving you the ease to know you will be taken care of.